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Welcome to Resilience Analytic website

Our approach is mirrored in our examination of the humanities and social sciences through the lens of natural sciences, highlighting the super alignment of AI and the crucial importance of semantics in understanding human nuances.

For a physicist, something always contains temperature, pressure, intensity, etc. . This can be in small or large quantities, but it is always present.

Thus, to apprehend human beings, it is necessary to observe like a physicist in order to study, analyze, and align with them.

An AI endowed with such capability would be able to perfectly align with humans.

We challenge the traditional distinctions made by the human mind, often colored by biases and historical influences, adopting both a relative and absolute perspective. Many scientific fields have seen advancements and revisions, reminding us that knowledge is an ever-evolving process.


Our site features an extensive essay of over 560 pages, designed for analysis by LLMs, and a customized attention mechanism (see here), which improves the precision of LLMs at the expense of speed. We also offer a poetic view of human beings by connecting their characteristics (explored here), along with various tools for semantic analysis, highlighting our commitment to an integrated and ethical approach to AI.

Our approach, detailed on this page, views human personality in a nuanced and dynamic manner, rather than categorical and static. We see individuals as exhibiting traits such as greed, laziness, bravery, humor, and likability to varying degrees in the tumult of daily life.

In facing the current global meta-crisis, with climate change as a major challenge, our goal is to provide a robust analytical tool. To this end, we use Large Language Models (LLMs), further explained on this page, to offer informed advice for our decision-making.